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Different between C and C++ || C vs C++


Different between C and C++





C is procedural language

C++ is object oriented language.


Polymorphism is not possible.


Polymorphism is the most important features of OOP.

Operator overloading is not possible in C.


Operator overloading is one

of the greatest features of C++.

Top down approach is used in program.



Bottom up approach adopted in program design.

In C:-

Scanf() function used for input.

Printf() function used for output.


In C++:

Cin>> function used for input.

Cout<< function used for output.


It doesn’t support user-define data types.


It support user-define data types.



C can’t relate with real world.


C++ is relating with real world.


Files written in C are store with .c extension.



Files written in C++ are store with .cpp extension.



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