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History of Microprocessor | | Evolution of Microprocessor



1.First Generations Microprocessor

·                     Introduced in the year 1971 to 1973.

·               They were 4-bit microprocessor

·               Processed the instructions serially

·               It has a speed of 740KHz

·               For eg: - Intel 4004

2. Second generations Microprocessor

·                             Introduced in the year 1973 to 1977

·               They were 8-bit microprocessor

·               It has a clock speed of 500KHz

·               Useful for arithmetic and logical operations

·               For eg:- intel 8008, intel 8085


3.Third Generations Microprocessor

·                 Introduced in the year 1978

·               They were 16-bit microprocessor

·               It has a maximum clock speed of 10MHz

·               Can read 2.5 million instructions per second

·               For eg :-ZilogZ800 and intel 8086

4. Fourth Generations Microprocessor

·                Introduced in the year 1986

·               They were 32-bit microprocessor

·               It has a clock speed ranging from 16MHz to 66MHz

·               Consists more than 1.3 million transistors

·               For eg:-intel 80486, Motorola’s 88100

5. Fifth generations Microprocessor

·                 Latest Microprocessor is known as fifth generations microprocessor

·               They were either 64-bit microprocessor or 128-bit

·               It has a clock speed ranging form 1.2 GHz to 3GHz

·               Consists of more than 291 million transistors

·               For eg: - Intel i3, intel i5 etc. 

                 See more...



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